Mirage V1-HD (0-01-05-18).png
Mirage V1-HD (0-02-21-10).png

Created and composited assets matching the vintage look of the video, such as cars and shopfronts, as well as simulating the glass of a photo frame breaking gradually in Cinema 4D and combining two faces together in Adobe After Effects. 

Director: Irrum
Label: Columbia Records
Production Company: Gas & Electric
Commissioner: Bryan Younce
UK Producer: Matt Klemera
US Producer: Jon Brewer
Directors Rep: reprobates.tv / Kim Jarrett / Doug Klinger 
DP: Bryan Koss
Stylist: Stacey Nishimoto
Production Designer: Antony Pausic
1st A.D: Jon Miller
1st A.C: Orlando Herrera
Gaffer: Steven Bueller
Makeup Artist: Victoria Payne
Hair Stylist: Tina Cohen
3D and Motion Design: Benjamin Tucker
Editor & Colorist: Irrum